How To Escape Corporate Substack
Corporate Escape Artists Podcast
Episode 15 The Real P(l)andemic: Ultraprocessed Foods

Episode 15 The Real P(l)andemic: Ultraprocessed Foods

A Masterclass in Nutrition and Wellness

NOTE: All Corporate Escape Artists Podcasts are also found on Apple and Spotify!

There’s a “real” pandemic and it has nothing to do with microscopic would be critters infecting you.

In fact, the real p(l)andemic is self inflicted.

You see, you are responsible for what you put into your body.

Yes, the world has made uber-palatable fatty and sugary foods. Yes you are being manipulated by TV to eat them.

The hard facts is that you don’t need to. You make the choice.

Learn about the foods banned in California and the rest of the world, but still in the food supply today.

Join us for an eye-opening journey into the world of ultraprocessed foods in this groundbreaking masterclass. Led by nutrition and wellness experts, we'll delve deep into the real pandemic of toxic food additives and processing that's silently wreaking havoc on our health and well-being.

In this masterclass, you'll discover:

  • The hidden dangers of ultraprocessed foods and their impact on our health

  • How toxic food additives and processing strip away vital nutrients and contribute to chronic diseases

  • Strategies for identifying and avoiding ultraprocessed foods in your diet

  • The importance of whole, nutrient-dense foods for optimal health and vitality

  • Practical tips and recipes for transitioning to a whole foods-based diet

  • How to reclaim control over your health and well-being by making informed food choices

Don't miss this opportunity to empower yourself with the knowledge and tools needed to break free from the ultraprocessed foods trap and reclaim your health. Tune in to our masterclass and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you.

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P.S. - Take our exclusive Biohacking 101 course covering all you need to get your physical avatar into the best shape of your life. Step 1 in escaping the Matrix.

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How To Escape Corporate Substack
Corporate Escape Artists Podcast
Tired of soul-sucking spreadsheets and fluorescent lighting? It's time to ditch the corporate chains and build your paradise within the cubicle walls. Join me, a renegade corporate wage slave who hacked the system without quitting my day job and Heidi, a corporate evader, as we interview others who have broken free.